
1. Li, H. J., Conner, R. L., and Murray, T. D. 2008. Resistance to soil-borne diseases of wheat: Contributions from the wheatgrasses Thinopyrum intermedium andTh. ponticum. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 88: 195-205.
2. Li, H. J., Conner, R. L., Liu, Z. Y., Li, Y. W., Chen, Y., Zhou, Y. L., Duan, X. Y., Shen, T. M., Chen, Q., Graf, R. J., and Jia, X. 2007. Characterization of wheat-triticale lines resistant to powdery mildew, stem rust, stripe rust, wheat curl mite, and limitation on spread of WSMV. Plant Disease 91: 368-374.
3. Li, H. J., Arterburn, M., Jones, S. S., and Murray. T. D. 2005. Resistance to eyespot of wheat, caused by Tapesia yallundae, derived from Thinopyrum intermediumhomoeologous group 4 chromosomes. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 111: 932-940.
4. Li, H. J., Arterburn, M., Jones, S. S., and Murray. T. D. 2004. A new source of resistance to Tapesia yallundae associated with a homoeologous group 4 chromosome in Thinopyrum ponticum. Phytopathology 94: 932-932.
5. Li, H. J., Conner, R. L., Chen, Q., Laroche, A., Graf, R. J., and Kuzyk, A. D. 2004. The transfer and characterization of resistance to common root rot fromThinopyrum ponticum to wheat. Genome 47: 215-213.
6. Li, H. J., Chen, Q., Conner, R. L., Graf, R. J., Laroche, A., Ahmad, F., and Kuzyk, A. D. 2004. Promising genetic resources for resistance to Wheat streak mosaic virus and the wheat curl mite, in wheat-Thinopyrum partial amphiploids and their derivatives. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 51: 827-835.
7. Li, H. J., Conner, R. L., McCallum, B. D., Chen, X. M., Su, H., Wen, Z.Y., Chen, Q., and Jia, X. 2004. Resistance of Tangmai 4 wheat to powdery mildew, stem rust, leaf rust, and stripe rust and its chromosomal composition. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 84: 1015-1023.
8. Li, H. J., Chen, Q., Conner, R. L., Guo, B. H., Zhang, Y. M., Graf, R. J., Laroche, A., Jia, X., Liu, G. S., and Chu, C. C. 2003. Molecular characterization of a wheat-Thinopyrum ponticum partial amphiploid and its derivatives for resistance to leaf rust. Genome 46: 906-913.
9. Li, H. J., Conner, R. L., Chen, Q., Jia, X., Li, H., Graf, R. J., Laroche, A., and Kuzyk, A. D. 2002. Different reactions to wheat curl mite and Wheat streak mosaic virus in various wheat-Haynaldia villosa 6V and 6VS lines. Plant Disease 86: 423-428.
10. Li, H. J., Guo, B. H., Li, Y. W., Du, L. Q., Jia, X., and Chu, C. C. 2000. Molecular cytogenetic analysis of intergeneric chromosomeal translocations between wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and Dasypyrum villosum arising from tissue culture. Genome 43: 756-762.
联系地址:北京中关村南大街12号,邮政编码 100081
E-mail: hongjie@caas.net.cn
1. Li, H. J., Conner, R. L., and Murray, T. D. 2008. Resistance to soil-borne diseases of wheat: Contributions from the wheatgrasses Thinopyrum intermedium andTh. ponticum. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 88: 195-205.
2. Li, H. J., Conner, R. L., Liu, Z. Y., Li, Y. W., Chen, Y., Zhou, Y. L., Duan, X. Y., Shen, T. M., Chen, Q., Graf, R. J., and Jia, X. 2007. Characterization of wheat-triticale lines resistant to powdery mildew, stem rust, stripe rust, wheat curl mite, and limitation on spread of WSMV. Plant Disease 91: 368-374.
3. Li, H. J., Arterburn, M., Jones, S. S., and Murray. T. D. 2005. Resistance to eyespot of wheat, caused by Tapesia yallundae, derived from Thinopyrum intermediumhomoeologous group 4 chromosomes. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 111: 932-940.
4. Li, H. J., Arterburn, M., Jones, S. S., and Murray. T. D. 2004. A new source of resistance to Tapesia yallundae associated with a homoeologous group 4 chromosome in Thinopyrum ponticum. Phytopathology 94: 932-932.
5. Li, H. J., Conner, R. L., Chen, Q., Laroche, A., Graf, R. J., and Kuzyk, A. D. 2004. The transfer and characterization of resistance to common root rot fromThinopyrum ponticum to wheat. Genome 47: 215-213.
6. Li, H. J., Chen, Q., Conner, R. L., Graf, R. J., Laroche, A., Ahmad, F., and Kuzyk, A. D. 2004. Promising genetic resources for resistance to Wheat streak mosaic virus and the wheat curl mite, in wheat-Thinopyrum partial amphiploids and their derivatives. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 51: 827-835.
7. Li, H. J., Conner, R. L., McCallum, B. D., Chen, X. M., Su, H., Wen, Z.Y., Chen, Q., and Jia, X. 2004. Resistance of Tangmai 4 wheat to powdery mildew, stem rust, leaf rust, and stripe rust and its chromosomal composition. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 84: 1015-1023.
8. Li, H. J., Chen, Q., Conner, R. L., Guo, B. H., Zhang, Y. M., Graf, R. J., Laroche, A., Jia, X., Liu, G. S., and Chu, C. C. 2003. Molecular characterization of a wheat-Thinopyrum ponticum partial amphiploid and its derivatives for resistance to leaf rust. Genome 46: 906-913.
9. Li, H. J., Conner, R. L., Chen, Q., Jia, X., Li, H., Graf, R. J., Laroche, A., and Kuzyk, A. D. 2002. Different reactions to wheat curl mite and Wheat streak mosaic virus in various wheat-Haynaldia villosa 6V and 6VS lines. Plant Disease 86: 423-428.
10. Li, H. J., Guo, B. H., Li, Y. W., Du, L. Q., Jia, X., and Chu, C. C. 2000. Molecular cytogenetic analysis of intergeneric chromosomeal translocations between wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and Dasypyrum villosum arising from tissue culture. Genome 43: 756-762.
联系地址:北京中关村南大街12号,邮政编码 100081
E-mail: hongjie@caas.net.cn